Pathways associated with PCOS


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1 to 10 of 1150 Pathways
Pathway Pathway ID Gene Symbol Entrez Gene ID
Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis hsa00010 ALDH1A3, ALDH3A2, PKM, TPI1 220, 224, 5315, 7167
Citrate cycle (TCA cycle) hsa00020 MDH2 4191
Pentose phosphate pathway hsa00030 H6PD 9563
Pentose and glucuronate interconversions hsa00040 UGT1A1, UGP2, KL 54658, 7360, 9365
Fructose and mannose metabolism hsa00051 TPI1 7167
Galactose metabolism hsa00052 UGP2 7360
Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism hsa00053 ALDH3A2, UGT1A1 224, 54658
Fatty acid biosynthesis hsa00061 FASN, ACACA 2194, 31
Fatty acid degradation hsa00071 CPT1A, CPT2, ALDH3A2 1374, 1376, 224
Steroid biosynthesis hsa00100 CYP2R1 120227


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