Genes and associated diseases

Query term: Genetic Diseases
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Disease Gene Symbol References
Genetic Diseases
25308558, 10431236, 18955690, 26479764, 23756437, 27240540, 16685646, 22495914, 22366783, 25156961, 25052316, 10411937, 27868373, 23649928, 24676022, 24337657, 26669664, 22960657, 25782675, 19098683, 28383543, 8758048, 19085907, 26436010, 16642017, 10208883, 21800092, 25523067, 15627943, 22228622, 21159799, 22729224, 28190287, 26855056, 20846291, 28122587, 18550408, 20810031, 15642848, 16225172, 21913903, 7479821, 28955726, 27094857, 12930931, 15964450, 23692712, 24904866, 10857554, 23359698, 9521938, 24778650, 25041270, 21594992, 20979188, 17253931, 14598350, 17701892, 25101912, 11700157, 21683322, 16333834, 26026792, 16273536, 12651868, 16571647, 8563763, 23897642, 21594993, 3536967, 20375004, 15241795, 23133647, 24039054, 24635535, 23278365, 25736269, 26787436, 8941093, 25979247, 24665001, 205918, 26675522, 27830184, 18832141, 28702508, 11528513, 22176143, 22734906, 25088881, 15122254, 25614874, 23651751, 21600525, 23956253, 1933004, 16020744, 22698793, 25769531, 24585268, 21600530, 2088165, 12732381, 15241806, 22398274, 9484998, 22881376, 9714107, 18611980, 15317753, 10662742, 20127487, 16816143, 20074070, 11342468, 16838330, 23071165, 10939567, 18585512, 10739751, 18256394, 19764019, 15996213, 15770669, 12628721, 18551513, 17377071, 15688064, 17139325, 22199124, 19283854, 15148145, 15843403, 10814726, 15668447, 12927431, 152, 25966443, 22239554, 28267856, 15346351, 28677207, 12579474, 12054167, 28111184, 15824851, 11719191, 20652025, 22487062, 24862549, 9063735, 9817918, 12668601, 28440899, 11502906, 17376864, 16847462, 26301495, 24497998, 27426476, 25557259, 27870750, 27631024, 23246288, 23754335, 28941273, 26593112, 26529633, 25488983, 22351933, 23810379, 23810382, 819054, 27116393, 27076228, 27221134, 23810378, 26497935, 20558538, 23064367, 19165178, 11752048, 10411677, 17035604, 26364947, 15677307, 18945943, 12842373, 18215695, 11156533, 19346236, 19038890, 24334715, 21544567, 24836204, 25956450, 24332944, 25356970, 12844284, 15805158, 25022750, 19668082, 17427195, 25132236, 11238682, 17392703, 17286265, 24136893, 19265751, 23695273, 21194675, 22252256, 23189188, 9888420, 25910211, 6306478, 15115878, 18682522, 26310624, 23632999, 9041988, 18602572, 20159255, 25359994, 17881745, 22751495, 28073828, 26394394, 26343524, 22520845, 29180260, 25038750, 9429144, 20581245, 9425897, 16707622, 9428765, 23415580, 11212897, 25645574, 15863673, 20051941, 21762454, 24623842, 22722545, 18469812, 23409955, 21770924, 26514728, 21364700, 20876469, 25621899, 26537360, 20887364, 9545644, 21062273, 27184330, 16829045, 19557857, 20196795, 17301226, 22495311, 23020937, 25714420, 16806828, 26865513, 24836964, 25914188, 21204804, 18728071, 21671391, 27072915, 19235238, 21533127, 17436254, 22712893, 22460224, 22678594, 22581936, 28807867, 19938247, 26087656, 18627065, 17478476, 20825314, 17436255, 18081026, 22045651, 22335494, 21245398, 23185296, 23965844, 26821543, 26965498, 26299986, 24393624, 27068928, 26598380, 25637003, 26992170, 15712364, 11013440, 17098698, 16712705, 17451081, 26598494, 23443458, 24963779, 20221955, 1714544, 26537434, 21791420, 18577546, 10766892, 12752470, 26304067, 21555602, 23306390, 20129935, 19798636, 22492876, 23280796, 20687207, 21832227, 26336901, 26193382, 24057516, 19479899, 15779888


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