Genes and associated diseases

Query term: Colorectal Cancer
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Disease Gene Symbol References
Colorectal Cancer
22294766, 22294766, 16959974, 25157968, 23934607, 23700467, 17611497, 26619011, 20233444, 16094359, 12907644, 21531761, 21967605, 21291235, 18716850, 17116713, 19309276, 24518971, 8187091, 24651453, 1338904, 10737795, 1528264, 21901162, 24861525, 22810696, 22848674, 12374230, 25157968, 2281069, 17704924, 18992635, 23204322, 21967605, 12907644, 9419979, 17116713, 7661930, 17187072, 26965516, 20878130, 17575224, 18998757, 18998757, 17575224, 22270724, 25058500, 7516776, 11758809, 26619011, 15954165, 24836286, 29471430, 19509152, 17892325, 21278247, 12637750, 19223499, 16959974, 27197191, 22510560, 23548910, 18507500, 21278247, 27207650, 18507500, 18676755, 17350979, 15608557, 16512993, 16985020, 17087956, 17047490, 17245555, 16512993, 18676755, 23922874, 20593958, 15930273, 15994075, 19223544, 15254419, 22357840, 22162589, 19903786, 19366826, 15930273, 24559322, 20619739, 18725974, 15016963, 15647370, 22162582, 20453058, 22634755, 25990418, 22634755, 16489531, 15254419, 15753380, 12837940, 19671906, 20427397, 11375891, 10485483, 12837940, 15753380, 17923031, 26151821, 26621817, 10853026, 10853026, 9731485, 26965516, 21892161, 24836286, 21892161, 16879199, 17892325, 16879199, 23431386, 15172127, 12645814, 16524972, 15814641, 17949449, 21946351, 16110022, 16524972, 15172127, 20065508, 28606130, 25139296, 24663214, 25547486, 20728343, 16706818, 21844655, 28714190, 16365014, 30694518, 27485632, 17071629, 15319294, 14601045, 11535243, 24211581, 23364257, 28540987, 19956881, 25216025, 10993958, 22433385, 22213796, 14761923, 28376477, 15067352, 20581239, 30154249, 24430360, 28268248, 26109148, 27139420, 22312135, 31262909, 25155760, 19790197, 21723078, 21317201, 22176788, 21627810, 21490239, 25079514, 26317645, 26318037, 25331005, 30257705, 29900672, 29924451, 29519711, 29675807, 9036867, 28819729, 27754705, 30326864, 29241727, 30616445, 30847807, 25663765, 27726953, 19221108, 25126956, 23574843, 24908142, 19584150, 24166180, 18581275, 22849325, 20514449, 15994917, 25847407, 29281831, 15114262, 11743638, 1617, 28487489, 17332927, 15455346, 17824980, 16207476, 30922401, 27298226, 27816419, 31091244, 30511962, 25174582, 25294915, 25287946, 25964566, 28298545, 28731148, 24811787, 11786918, 27126992, 29701752, 26756616, 27916606, 26524859, 27135244, 24819398, 26848774, 28846828, 24841830, 29363233, 20413677, 22703586, 17029639, 18515411, 24036853, 16010685, 21850381, 25529843


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