Genes and associated diseases

Query term: Liver Diseases
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1 to 1 of 1 Diseases

Disease Gene Symbol References
Liver Diseases
11738102, 20709802, 25226513, 16099942, 17906064, 19784758, 17125873, 20623750, 11739529, 20974703, 21135413, 19481104, 145039, 145039, 19481104, 25455894, 18666253, 17465707, 17465707, 18666253, 25743375, 20623750, 25226513, 18397238, 18397238, 21570397, 28043905, 28043905, 21570397, 19783637, 22688006, 18227147, 17002867, 16964402, 17275847, 18227147, 22688006, 21245496, 12153990, 12153990, 21245496, 23639586, 23639586, 19633216, 24949944, 19164858, 8218930, 28138970, 28138970, 19164858, 15763341, 7532385, 7532385, 15763341, 20362651, 12724528, 9011570, 20362651, 28545106, 22363424, 28545106, 22363424, 22507835, 19648163, 18551038, 16877991, 24813929, 22491424, 26958860, 22627062, 22491424, 24813929, 15743782, 17405841, 16610002, 22507835, 22968431, 11743745, 6600583, 5095241, 4117996, 3485248, 17659342, 17006946, 27349771, 27349771, 17877538, 17069928, 17709330, 21984482, 9696492, 19638433, 17709330, 21984482, 19638433, 15946935, 22561520, 29562163, 16545485, 28752959, 28182609, 16046876, 18415752, 26556724, 9049444, 18636040, 21504230, 10496977, 22459801, 17346923, 12708969, 28827398, 25762623, 30529247, 23886700


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