Genes and associated diseases

Query term: Diabetes Mellitus
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Disease Gene Symbol References
Diabetes Mellitus
12354786, 12114044, 15734870, 12860835, 17632545, 19164855, 15166380, 20504758, 11481585, 14574648, 15240652, 12107250, 14602801, 12161543, 11017071, 23349674, 19233164, 16123366, 20012460, 16387788, 22238402, 27790247, 17554300, 20581827, 17463248, 17463249, 22693455, 19056611, 26818947, 28869590, 24509480, 22885922, 17554300, 22158537, 23300278, 21647700, 23104008, 23466488, 22652274, 26073000, 29404672, 26168013, 17632545, 18978792, 22325160, 25102180, 16959961, 16123366, 12136229, 11904371, 10843190, 10084598, 22325160, 18414213, 16506275, 19769483, 23793354, 24513509, 17460697, 21340626, 24632065, 21829393, 17554260, 26301688, 19430480, 21980299, 15628829, 7624867, 7294224, 8400068, 18162506, 11446671, 17855560, 2055425, 21779873, 3511099, 11522680, 11978674, 16259526, 21680998, 16519038, 7573102, 15531508, 25751624, 20620209, 1607076, 7657032, 1470163, 1607076, 27896077, 7814014, 4413914, 2573522, 2884728, 8104271, 8723689, 19734900, 15688983, 12679424, 10430617, 10206679, 12843189, 10591678, 23555749, 18711366, 20174558, 21799836, 18711367, 22961080, 23945395, 24390345, 28254843, 24101674, 19401414, 20818381, 18711366, 21874001, 241, 28869590, 15070752, 15028607, 22933112, 26939912, 24263156, 20175764, 15656877, 15126514, 18364377, 28672053, 28545106, 22286214, 26551672, 19060908, 19060909, 19060907, 17107852, 22158537, 19153526, 19003935, 19022366, 16229851, 24509480, 29358691, 17317762, 16249460, 21484566, 28182703, 15592662, 16168052, 15592662, 7926294, 15885672, 22961080, 21829393, 19430480, 21982312, 24894401, 23834033, 1756912, 1918382, 1521731, 22384078, 11947963, 17107852, 21461562, 24584071, 21779873, 19542200, 19479076, 20424817, 17463246, 27189021, 17293876, 218, 15531508, 23786522, 25476525, 25038750, 26301688, 25043022, 18097733, 17609304, 17245407, 16415884, 17340123, 17470138, 18372903, 17460697, 17668382, 25483131, 23209189, 20694148, 175, 23500658, 22885922, 16023759, 23640034, 11882518, 15562023, 9589670, 23723366, 25325797, 28347650, 23436919, 24642356, 28479383, 26024756, 25369206, 25182023, 22539588, 22139797, 22907691, 17130574, 21805019, 26581717, 23144172, 27377688, 25134759, 25082501, 29017104, 25887592, 26546820, 21114364, 23611731, 27322146, 30696767, 20525362, 22086798, 18430527, 25645923, 21914835, 27837193, 28537848, 26083362, 25706282, 21320485, 23166793, 19567136, 28179448, 9795371, 7527414, 12200763, 19118408, 26975253, 23602322, 30157689, 25889082, 22966088, 20233941, 26007641, 21725702, 20346374, 19344973, 31118273, 20651284, 24908639, 25944670, 25677225, 24497980, 23842142, 24455723, 27059371, 29526844


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