Genes and associated diseases

Query term: Prostate cancer
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Disease Gene Symbol References
Prostate cancer
17465223, 18454446, 18306354, 17507624, 25555457, 25157968, 22610119, 22722839, 29610475, 15682402, 29610475, 17363566, 17363566, 20729295, 25970160, 23704919, 25908785, 22666205, 16934689, 16998812, 25062956, 16877366, 25735316, 12237244, 17003774, 16266977, 17141945, 15389811, 19011039, 15790600, 11742035, 18829485, 10363963, 17311914, 7511268, 17591767, 8827083, 19244107, 8274409, 163112, 11742035, 20729295, 28757136, 18985049, 24740322, 17542986, 14666681, 17585057, 22516946, 27317574, 27742670, 28031937, 26236408, 27989354, 26926928, 27306910, 27899188, 26360800, 27433846, 27188668, 16222118, 17566973, 17199135, 17013881, 25735316, 17592021, 15538743, 16424004, 16859836, 16859836, 17592021, 16424004, 17704407, 17704407, 17919073, 11275366, 11275366, 17919073, 17914592, 15302576, 17136230, 15302576, 17914592, 25157968, 21716162, 24763052, 24763052, 11222871, 17363613, 16984552, 17363613, 11222871, 16220300, 17176215, 17639508, 17132221, 16220300, 26443449, 16921512, 15046698, 15046698, 17639508, 23555315, 17929269, 29662167, 17220348, 25246272, 16421604, 18304461, 22564066, 14968442, 22581815, 17173048, 11196146, 19223546, 11196146, 22581815, 22564066, 16205110, 17826523, 17823934, 16606632, 19208208, 24586243, 16465378, 16465378, 19208208, 24586243, 16000583, 15318950, 16000583, 17999153, 16284379, 18174250, 16284379, 17999153, 17688413, 16106254, 16106254, 17115417, 24028178, 21801027, 21801027, 24028178, 17196171, 15672864, 19240160, 25970160, 17196171, 29662167, 12610512, 15678496, 16442593, 18264097, 27318894, 18500220, 18676866, 12644816, 17148459, 27318894, 16442593, 22360509, 15042602, 15386377, 20875869, 17728788, 17967524, 23441843, 20124447, 20124447, 23441843, 17507624, 17013881, 12783936, 22610119, 21456062, 29335545, 19396168, 21714127, 23248098, 19081794, 28319090, 9371490, 26504226, 9072974, 9371490, 14754878, 17609663, 16506214, 15126378, 10753955, 17609663, 14754878, 16434975, 16172807, 21671747, 23936228, 17220347, 21062352, 19074884, 26468117, 17465268, 12592389, 17646272, 23315858, 17646272, 19074884, 18500220, 20564326, 17136762, 18306354, 17823934, 17136762, 14975756, 16427044, 21716162, 18082198, 15159307, 17202838, 26005866, 21946351, 16434975, 20875869, 17202838, 23265383, 20347977, 16908180, 12893367, 16606632, 20052738, 12893367, 16908180, 17566973, 17606477, 17606477, 21071579, 26771192, 23524847, 21303972, 22114194, 19955085, 17363522, 17942943, 18056169, 19902470, 28753790, 15616829, 15880531, 15128049, 25251951, 18163427, 20437871, 20564325, 16500022, 30680751, 17848953, 26139298, 16198313, 24982349, 30098419, 30578319, 29668854, 29784665, 27357679, 27331874, 25868764, 26934656, 28342983, 28418352, 30667363, 21170507, 23741342, 22064655, 22670709, 22209174, 26251134, 21900597, 18483391, 17440943, 25532941, 17083925, 8708541, 25368232, 7531847, 25370833, 27191743, 21344486, 11189446, 29518547, 27228285


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