Genes and associated diseases

Query term: Lung Cancer
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Disease Gene Symbol References
Lung Cancer
21552421, 23692979, 2305558, 19027488, 21911043, 22619562, 12511591, 26619011, 25157968, 17611497, 23728071, 18504432, 18611285, 22980975, 26619011, 24657128, 21479466, 25157968, 20682992, 19381893, 18337602, 18948947, 19180532, 23056237, 23103227, 20430468, 19180532, 20430468, 22919003, 21595568, 17114654, 11376689, 27935865, 19147750, 16863509, 19096302, 23800712, 15118073, 15788655, 21531810, 15710947, 16011858, 20522446, 21841502, 16205628, 18199554, 16533793, 17653080, 19671738, 15118125, 18458038, 18628075, 18676761, 19922469, 15738541, 16187797, 18450321, 20479403, 15329413, 18176089, 215, 20934974, 19336973, 18927287, 27935865, 23523951, 21541241, 29106415, 29106415, 20934974, 16043828, 22753918, 23102728, 20837450, 27032653, 22071784, 22135231, 25741868, 17114358, 17311802, 16697254, 17311802, 17114358, 15457249, 22761469, 24033266, 15753357, 15457249, 22325357, 16775247, 18334834, 16638863, 16825508, 27900369, 22908275, 12483526, 17077188, 11872642, 21725308, 26192916, 22899653, 16289808, 19380174, 16271038, 17902193, 22072123, 17909032, 17094902, 17000715, 19654303, 22899653, 28604730, 28604730, 19836008, 24366584, 27602772, 18508827, 15688187, 15688187, 18508827, 25162674, 7614408, 20471133, 14587096, 28212736, 22369883, 18298334, 7614408, 18625569, 26372664, 20716630, 16289808, 22684020, 27197191, 12376484, 11884234, 17468755, 11884234, 12083368, 12083368, 21268124, 19941079, 20097187, 21483773, 25105010, 27692344, 27692344, 25105010, 22048643, 23548910, 21789004, 17389614, 22784439, 26482881, 22684020, 28330870, 12460898, 22369883, 12460898, 9865924, 21479364, 27323401, 22658544, 15254419, 22162589, 20453058, 19513541, 15647370, 15520168, 15608678, 19029981, 21430269, 16906227, 22729222, 22729223, 22729224, 15016963, 17673550, 18725974, 16323636, 22537621, 20018398, 19351834, 20085938, 9598803, 10555148, 20881644, 11504908, 17909629, 27980214, 22941188, 11731445, 17094902, 20617513, 22481206, 21552421, 22481206, 16221779, 21549414, 17676035, 24793789, 17676035, 15800014, 26818092, 11074608, 17418594, 11641043, 17418594, 11074608, 25756049, 17325666, 16410370, 20727180, 11798837, 11798837, 26192916, 22941189, 23435014, 24688052, 17290066, 26928227, 27602772, 15956251, 23349696, 14961577, 24564251, 23434592, 14511611, 14511611, 23434592, 26791086, 26232753, 28364280, 28364280, 26232753, 30521597, 22344343, 20412752, 20237413, 17312119, 30557823, 30021838, 27859136, 7728947, 19010856, 25981168, 28117625, 29421438, 23216071, 20666737, 26264650, 8478605, 9133457, 9552043, 8521390, 29884309, 21206492, 10327061, 12569360, 11751509, 9508191, 20940407, 8926405, 8620488, 31122252, 28400509, 22769244, 25564397, 22705334, 31177178, 22710433, 22892849, 19414376, 17410025, 26341558, 11523698, 12142546, 7509779, 25312225, 11716549, 26138771, 28255028, 30580903, 26751774, 30089720, 26224019, 29676354, 26056041, 28164488, 25482926, 26918678, 27484806, 24374773, 22922681, 28281961, 25881295, 25421010, 20595154, 21544802, 24531034, 29707897, 24595271, 22497777, 29970687, 31080817


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